Alabama Living
Published by Alabama Rural Electric Association of Cooperatives
Karl Rayborn, President & CEO
P.O. Box 244014
Montgomery, AL 36124
Editorial Offices:
340 Technacenter Dr.
Montgomery, AL 36117
Circulation: 415,000 • Trim size: 8 1/8″ by 10 7/8″
Magazine Staff
- Lenore Reese Vickrey, Editor & Vice President, Communications (
- Allison Law, Managing Editor
- Mark Stephenson, Creative Director
- Danny Weston, Art Director
- Jacob Johnson, Advertising & Marketing Director (
- Brooke Echols, Graphic Designer/Production Coordinator (
- Heather Dutton, Classified Advertising (
Alabama Living is delivered to some 415,000 Alabama families and businesses that are members of 22 not-for-profit, locally owned, locally directed and tax-paying electric cooperatives. The magazine is published monthly as an editorially balanced, informational and educational vehicle for member cooperatives. Alabama Living supports the concept that each cooperative is a unique and wholly democratic institution dedicated to the well-being of its members. It is the largest publication of its type in Alabama.